Parish Life
If you are interested in any of the following events contact the parish office.
Parish Fun Day
Every February before Lent the parish gathers in the Brondel Center for Bingo, food, and fellowship. See the Events page for further details when this event approaches.
Parish Picnic​
Every August on the feast of St. Helena the parish gathers to celebrate with food, fellowship, and music. There is always need for volunteers serve the food, set up, and clean up. See the Events page for further details.
Here comes Fall! This party is a chance to get together as friends and families to enjoy German food and a beer before the snow falls (hopefully). See the Events page for further details when this event approaches.
Easter Vigil Reception
This reception is a large celebration the night after the Easter Vigil. Come and celebrate with those who have just entered the Church. Small finger foods are gladly accepted. Deviled eggs, cupcakes, fruit, and other finger foods are perfect for this reception. Please call the Cathedral office to let us know what your donation will be. Volunteers are also needed for set up the Saturday morning before the vigil, and for serving, and take down after the reception. See the Events page for further details when this event approaches.
To sign up to help with any of these events, please call the office (406-442-5825).