Liturgical Ministry
If you are interested in any of the following liturgical ministries contact Michael Vreeburg at the Cathedral Office at (406) 442-5825
If you are an active parishioner, a strong reader, and interested in proclaiming the first and second readings form the Sacred Scriptures during the Mass please contact Michael Vreeburg at the office.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Parishioners who are confirmed in the Catholic Church and are in good standing are invited to be Extraordinary Ministers at daily and Sunday Masses.
Ages 10 years of age and older are welcome to join the ranks of servers at the Lord's Holy Altar. If you are a young adult interested in the priesthood this ministry is especially fruitful in your discernment.
A group of faith-filled parishioners who take up the Offertory and direct the Communion Procession. Also helping at special liturgies ushering people to their seats, and being present where needed.
Individuals and families interested in greeting people as they come to Mass, and have a gift for being warm and welcoming please contact Michael Vreeburg.