Adult Education & Support
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.)
If you are interested in becoming Catholic or are haven't received all your sacraments, we are here you to help! You are very welcome here and we would love to meet you and get you started on your R.C.I.A journey!
*R.C.I.A. begins Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 6:00pm.
Classes are weekly and culminate with the receiving of the sacraments
at Easter Vigil Mass on Saturday, April 19, 2025.
Would you like to receive information about becoming Catholic or receiving sacraments as an adult? Give us a little info here and we'll get in touch!
Ready to sign up? REGISTER HERE! ​​
Contact Jen McCaughan at (406) 442-5825 if you have questions.
​Other Adult Formation Opportunities:​
Annulment Information:
Click here for Information about Annulments. To start your annulment process contact the parish office.
Fr. Marc Book Study
Occasional and seasonal book studies after the 5:30pm Thursday Masses.
Catholic Couples Group
This ministry is dedicated to serving bringing Catholic Families and Couples together for prayer and fellowship. Please contact Adina Timmerman at
Seven Sisters' Apostolate:
A group of women devoted to praying 3 hours every day for our bishop. Members are needed to give 30-60 minute time slots to fill the day. Contact Adina Timmerman at 7sistersforbishop@gmail.com if you are interested.
Hospitality Ministry
This ministry is dedicated to serving the Cathedral at events and in other ways as needed. If you are interested please contact Sally Sova at sallyjsova@icloud.com.